joshita / dev


- 1 min read

Backtracking Algorithm In Graphs

img of Backtracking Algorithm In Graphs

Way backtracking works in Graphs

This is the simplest and basic way how to write code and solve graphs using backtracking

Why is backtracking useful in graphs

  1. Its easy to implement once you understand it and practice it couple of times
  2. Code is simpler to visualize and understand
  3. Its optimized such that it dosent follow one path multiple times

Below hand sketch describes how backtracking works in graph TotalValue Code for backtracking in a graph

This is a method which actually solves the problem “All paths from source to destination in a graph”

Input : [[1,2],[3],[3],[]] Output : [[0,1,3],[0,2,3]]

This code explains backtracking and removing element in a linkedlist TotalValue