- 2 min read
Backtracking Algorithm In Graphs Question: Clone Graph
Given a graph clone a graph make deep copy of it
graph TD;
Simple : we need to create a map which will have original node and new created node as a reference to it. Then since the node class has a value and node reference attached to it, we need to add the neighbours to it as we clone the new node Below code shows how we can clone a graph based on a given Node
Deep copy of the graph to be returned, ordering of the graph should not be changed
Map<Node,Node> clone = new HashMap<>();
public Node backtrackCloneGraphDFS(Node node) {
if(node==null) return null; //if the node's empty return null, else:
Node newClonedNode = new Node(node.val); //creating a copy of original node and assigining its value to copy
clone.put(node,newClonedNode); //adding the element into the map w/ node and copy of that node as key value pair
for(Node neighbor : node.neighbors){ //now, traversing the neighbors of the node
if(!clone.containsKey(neighbor)) { //if the neig is not in hashmap, we create it
newClonedNode.neighbors.add(backtrackCloneGraphDFS(neighbor)); //calling the function again to add the neighbor of the
//cloned node, we can't do add(node.neighbor) cause that
//will be a reference to original graph
} else{ //neighbor is already present in hashmap, we simply add it to our clone
newClonedNode.neighbors.add(clone.get(neighbor)); //No neighbours
return newClonedNode;